Janice Martin
Office Manager / Member Services
Janice was born in Salinas and grew up in Gonzales. Being the small community that it is, Janice went to school with or knows the families of many of the Club’s Members and has witnessed the children of many of our Members grow up to become full-fledged Members themselves just as our Members have seen Janice’s two children grow up. Her son Logan is now 16 1/2 and Haley is 14. Janice came to Corral de Tierra Country Club after working as an administrator at Fat City. When Janice first came to the Club, the staff included Roberto Bustoz, Brian White and Deanna and Gerry Greenfield. Mel Brim was General Manager in 1986 when Janice came to Corral and both Janice and Gerry have had the pleasure of working with several general managers over the years.Janice has many stories to tell about the transformation of Corral de Tierra Country Club over the years and has earned the respect and friendship of many Members who enjoy seeing her whenever they visit the Club.